This is a non comprehensive list of my personal projects. Most of them are hosted on Github.

My personal homage to Robert E. Howard

Robert E. Howard

I have been a Robert E. Howard fan since I was a child. In the last few years, I found out that there are a lot of resources in English compared to the ones in Spanish. With that in mind, I decided to start a youtube channel about him. Then, I realized that I needed a blog as a companion (so I can share content and links) and use it as an excuse to learn Jekyll. As usual, I keep it all in a repository.

Templates for learning OpenGL

OpenGL template

While teaching a Computer Graphics course at FESA (and later at Purdue where I was a TA), I found out that most students struggle to follow the programming assignments. I realized that, in part, this is due to the large number of pieces that an OpenGL program requires, but are independent from the main graphic task at hand. For example:

  • Loading model (that can include more than one mesh) data from a file.
  • Routines to write and read images to and from a file. To read texture data and save screenshoots.
  • Read and compile/debug a shader program from a text file.
  • Create a simple UI, where you can change parameters from various types (scalars, vectors, colors or orientations).
  • To do simple interaction with the program: respond to keyboard and mouse events.
  • Interact with the windows manager system: have a surface to render, create a view port, go into full screen mode.

Just to name a few. Having that in mind, I decided to create a set of templates to alleviate this work.

LaTeX templates for academic use (UNAM focused)

LaTeX template

During my life at the Academia, I used LaTeX to create several types of documents. Since I am no expert in LaTeX, I decided to create a set of templates. I believe they have the 20% LaTeX that you use 80% of the time. The templates are divided by use case, and they are already localized to use them in Spanish. They use UNAM’s logos, and colors, but they can be adapted with minimal modifications to be used for any educational institution.


These are some of the events where they have invited me to talk. The actual talks are in Spanish.

Reflections about my career

Coder Bloom is a community to empower Latin American women to learn and work as programmers. They sponsor talks with industry professionals, hoping they can inspire students to pursue a career in technology. They invited me to give a talk, and I decided to make a presentation about my professional area (Computer Graphics), the differences between the industry and the academia and general tips for starting a career in tech.

Touring with Pixels

This is a “my journey” presentation about me. I detail how the early interest in video games during my childhood, took me into a journey to math and computer science, that included doing a PhD and working at Google. The talk was presented at FES Acatlan, as part of the 40th anniversary of the bachelors program in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. It was presented on march 1st of 2023

Interview about Robert E. Howard

My wife has her own youtube channel, where she has a seccion where she interviews guests. She invited me to talk about one of my personal favorite subjects: life and work of the American writer Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan.

Round table on Myths of Free Software at Beware of science

Beware of science is a weekly show on FB about science. They invited me, along with other experts; to a round table about another of my personal interests: Free Software.