Dr. Jorge García

Hello, I am Jorge Antonio García Galicia (a.k.a nemediano). I currently work at Google as a Software Engineer. I studied my doctorate at Purdue University, but I consider UNAM my alma mater.

My professional interests are divided into two: as a mathematician I like Geometry (analytic, modern, computational, algebraic), and as a computer scientist I love Computer Graphics. My Erdos number is four.

Even though my professional training is technical and scientific, I come from a family of artists which contributed to developing a great appreciation for the arts and humanities.

On a more personal note, I’m a real geek. I enjoy: reading comics (especially non-superhero ones), novels, mathematics, art, video games, television series, sports, music and cartoons.

I was born and raised in Mexico city, but now I live with my wife and our two cats in Silicon valley.